One Good Thing

It takes years to build a connection… but just  a few seconds to break it for good.

As we grow… so does our network of friends… colleagues…. classmates…. relatives…..

But in this fast paced world, keeping connected  is not as easy it seems….

No doubt the telecom and social media revolution have played a major role in keeping us together….but does having a name saved in you cell phone or keeping a person in your friends list on facebook, myspace, twitter or linkedin really gets you connected?

Ofcourse not….

Keeping our connections connected to us is not an easy job…. You have to keep in touch with people…. Keep them updated about yourself and ask about them often too…..Ring them up ,Tag them, Send them a Picture or a Joke or a Greeting card…

As our network grows so does our responsibilities….. These days anyone hardly has enough time to keep a track of each and every friend in his life…. Some friends are there just cause you knew them once.

Then sometimes when you invite friends to occasions like birthday parties, weddings, gettogethers and reunions you expect that they’ll give a positive response and turn up on time.

But when you meet some of your friends after a long time you realize that they’re not the same lively people they used to be…. they’ve turned into selfish, money loving, career oriented persons……striving to make their lives better and leaving all the fun and pleasant natures behind.

Its this time when you start hating them….

You start having grudges against them….. You think that they are mean, rude and cruel and not worthy to be kept friends with.

When you meet them later…. its just the usual hello hi…. not the spark of friendship you once used to have….

Things start turning dull…. and you slowly back away….. and start talking to them less.

….. and the close friend…. slowly turns into nothing more a connection one day….. just sitting in your list as bunch of alphabets.

This sort of friendship is never of any use…. it only increases rifts and gaps in hearts.

Here’s a better perspective for looking at things…

When we meet someone….. who was once a good friend….. we should think of one good thing that person did to us………Be it a  helping hand he had extended when we needed it…… Be it a few kind words he had spoken in the past…. a good conversation we had when we used to hang out……or even a smile he projected when we greeted….

If he was once a friend there must be Something Good about him that we liked in the past….

And in order to erase these grudges all we need to do is to  change our thinking process for a moment…. and think of positive ways of looking at a person…. not as an enemy but a great friend who did something great with us in the past for which we are in debt to him….. Forever….

Only with this kind of thinking we can strengthen our connections…..  and once we start being better friends….. this feeling will become mutual in no time…..  the friendly atmosphere will engulf everyone around…………. and the connection will once again transform into…… a Pal.

4 Responses to “One Good Thing”

  1. […] and social media revolution have played a major role in keeping us […] Read more at: Shifting Paradigms birthday parties, cell phone, classmates, colleagues, easy job, facebook, fast paced world, […]

  2. Well written and Eid Mubarak :).

  3. that piece is good Says:

    piece of article one good thing was good as their basic theme was about positive attitude towards life

    i liked it
    take care dude

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